Age 28 years
Evan returned from Asia with little path and direction. He had accomplished his two year career and contract with A&F, but was not encouraged to continue in sales/retail. He didn’t know what to do next. His father and I encouraged him to apply to graduate school -- as this was the only clear and available chapter of time in life to do so. It was late in Spring when he returned from Asia, and graduate programs had already closed their deadlines. I was determined to help Evan find choices in schools — so we visited Washington University a month after his return. To his surprise they encouraged him to “late apply”, take the GRE’s, and possibly get accepted. He challenged himself to study for the GRE’s, and applied to Wash U and 2 other universities. In the early summer he got accepted to all three and chose Washington University School of Business. (my alma mater). This quick change of direction for him was exciting and life changing. Here he is in front of his MINI car.